Sam Kavanagh, PhD

Full Stack

Web Developer


My Work

Scroll down for a list of recent projects.

Alternatively you can check out my GitHub profile.


The ResearchHub connects users with people, resources, and services from across the University of Auckland.


The ResearchHub is an award winning web application built in Angular, TypeScript/JavaScript, Sass. It runs queries a MySQL database through a Java (Spring) API, is fully containerized (Docker), and is built and deployed by Jenkins.

What's a better example of my design process than my personal website?

Summary: utilizes all the latest and greatest web development technologies and design principles. It is built using Angular, TypeScript/JavaScript, Sass, uses the Contentful CMS in the back-end, and supports continuous delivery through Netlify.


Interested in what I've got to say? That's weird, but okay:

Global Microphone Push to Talk Key for Linux

Friday, May 8, 2020
Toggle your microphone on and off globally with a keyboard shortcut in Linux.

GraphQL server that handles auth to remote GraphQL endpoints

Thursday, April 16, 2020
Tags:  GraphQL Apollo Contentful
Apollo GraphQL server that proxies requests to a remote schema with custom authorization!

Boom! Create a GitHub repo using CLI

Saturday, February 29, 2020
Tags:  git GitHub bash
Command to create a new Git & GitHub repo without leaving your CLI


Hi, I'm Sam.

Fancy seeing you here.

I'm a super active and passionate web developer.

Summary of GitHub Activity

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